[@Patches] [@Nashie] Astrid had her hands full of swords. [color=a187be]"I believe so, Yoshimi,"[/color] she said softly, creeping down the hall. [color=a187be]"It might have enough sense of self left dhat it wants to help. Dhis would be good."[/color] She peeked through the door, making sure there was no one else down the hall before skirting through. It was empty, as far as she could tell. Still, her senses prickled. On alert, she whispered back to the other three. [color=a187be]"I will not stop you if you want to take point. I have a bad feeling about dhis place..."[/color] If one of them [i]did[/i] take point, her bow was a plenty decent weapon, and she was good with it. Otherwise, she would continue slowly down the hall, eyes and ears trained and alert for the slightest sign of an enemy... still didn't help if any had camouflage.