Oz nodded in response. [color=violet]"I appreciate the criticism. I've tasted defeat before so I understand many of my limitations. To be frank I'm not a small dude so I don't care for sprinting around everywhere and diving away from everything. Sometimes it just isn't feasible. That wind cannon for instance. I can tap my power way faster than I could avoid something with that volume. Of course when my barrier meets its match.."[/color] He shrugged his shoulders at the notion. [color=violet]"I think survival instinct might burn me through some close calls if I really need it. A big guy can move pretty fast when his life is on the line."[/color] He pointed a thumb back toward Jeff. [color=violet]"Just don't expect me to move like frog man here. I'd probably lay down and die at that point."[/color] He chuckled.