Suddenly without any warning, a rampaging fool burst into the castle wearing nothing but a bucket on his head, his manhood swaying with every movement and gesture, exposed for all to see be blinded by. He dashed for the throne in a single movement, once he was upon the seat of power he enveloped it in his stench and rank. The guards and council members didn't know how to react to such a thing, this man had gone savage... primal. Once the man with a bucket calmed down he sat, his heels propped up on the seat of the throne, occasionally releasing a stench of rancind feces. He began eying all the remaining occupants who haven't fled the room, slowly chewing a raw fish he acquired from one of the decorative players, never removing his steely gaze from the group. He was the new king, and everyone knew it. [@Paradoxial] You took too long. Looks like someone beat us the the throne. XD