[center][img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/7ce9/f/2017/052/6/a/ratogre_by_fenixking13-dazygw8.png[/img] [@Hammerman][@eemmtt][@Roughdragon1][/center] The Ogre abomination bellowed in helpless agony, its swipes and attempts to crush the tiny creatures assaulting it were meeting with nothing but air. Blinded by the bright light, wounded severely, and being accosted from its blindsides at every turn had cost it what little vitality it had left. Already the swings of his grafted arm were growing sluggish and slowing down bit by bit. The Dwarves had been relentless on their assault, taking the heavy hits on their braced shields. By the time the Rat Ogre realized what was about to happen it was too late. The ogre didn't comprehend what was happening as the womans knife arced down. The blade was sharp indeed, easily cutting into the eye socket and into the tender brain tissue. If only as a show to its unnaturally strong body, the Ratkin managed to stay on its feet as Sylvia retracted the blade and slid off its body with ease, the beast touched the bloody socket once before it finally realized the truth. The thud of its lifeless corpse hitting the ground shook the stone corridor, amidst the clatter of chains and steel grinding into the stone as its body leaked out its black lifeblood. Rairsun scowled from behind his shield dwarves. Too easy it had been to kill this one. Hadn't even gotten a chance to strike, in the end the mercenaries had done all the work. "Lets go lads. Real fights up ahead or I'm a Bearded gnome! Off with ye'!" He commanded, his shield dwarves lining up for the march. Few they may be, but each one was still a veteran. Prepared for a fight they could see coming, they were worth their weight in dead rats. ---------------------------------- [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/6e5c/f/2017/032/9/d/siphbanner_by_fenixking13-daxh134.png[/img] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/8249/f/2017/052/8/4/ratshaman_by_fenixking13-dazygvw.png[/img] [@Rekaigan] Fariha followed Siphs trail down the long winding tunnels, careful to watch for the marks of his passing, until the sound of battle caught her ears. A deafening explosion rocked through the underground with enough force to threaten the subterranean complex with a cave-in. Green light spread lit up the corridor the Archer was traversing, bathing the stone walls with the sickly glow of the shamans chaotic energy. As she approached the breach opening she would see it all. The great cart that had served as the mobile altar for the ratkins foul worship lay at the far end of the wide open cavern. Two rat ogres, one dead, the other standing at its masters side. The Grey Rat Shaman was again aflame with its sinister green magics swirling in a hellfire around its obscured form. In its hand was the grimoire, a collection of living preserved flesh worshipping the horned rat. The chain to the bell had been severed completely and had dropped the ball onto the cavern floor and caused the Shaman to lose its already short temper even further. Siph had his back to Fariha as she approached, the rat ogres severed head was under his foot, but the old barbarian was gasping for air. Close to a foot of jagged steel was sticking out of his lower back, the right right side of his body was coated in a mixture of black and bright red blood. The runic tattoos aglow with his own strange magic, trying to stem the flow of blood but failing, as he brandished his bloodied polearm. The Rat Shaman was whispering words of power, its flaming barrier burning dimmer as more power was being siphoned for its spell.