[center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/5ecf/f/2017/150/1/b/felix_by_fenixking13-dbaxlnu.png[/img] [color=crimson][h2]Felix Williams[/h2][/color][/center] [@Kalleth] "I never liked to use gloves either, felt like I was punching air. Of course, your hands are gonna sting like nothing else tomorrow morning. Did you notice the weak point in your stance?" The sound of a teacher speaking stole his heartbeat for a moment as the panic set in but it was quickly quashed by his mounting anger. Not even five minutes, not FIVE fucking minutes, into a teacher bothering him and already this miserable bastard was trying to show he knew anything about [i]anything[/i] besides threatening kids about his crap lousy shed. Not a hello, not even a shred of praise, just a solid 'oh you're doing it wrong' and a pious attitude. Felix' next strike carried his anger like all the others. Alight with the flames of his passion and anger he hit the bag as hard as possible, the chains tethering it to the roof and floor strained under the weight but did not yield. Fist still resting against the punching bag he craned his head to stare at the voice. His threatening posture turned to a tired slouch as he spoke. [color=crimson]"Did it ever occur to you that people use this place to escape you buzzards? Do me a favor and just piss off. Thought I made my intentions crystal clear at the assembly."[/color] The options now were fairly obvious. If the teacher insisted on giving pointers, Felix would show him just how much he had learned from his many lessons. A thorough demonstration.. The other option was to leave and pick a fight with whoever had ended up as his roommate. The final option was sleeping outside to avoid all this. if he was honest with himself the choice was leaning heavily on just staying outside.