[hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170526/815de324350c56bfcc8b1318873c3c0a.png[/img][/center] [hr] It was all too fast. She had gotten the command from Chromite to continue doing what she was doing in order to protect herself and those around her. She grunted, forcing her limited EM field to extend just a little further to envelop those closes to her. She couldn't get out a worded response before they made impact. She didn't lose consciousness, per say, but there was an obvious gap between the recalled moment of impact and when she opened her eyes again to the rubble of the ship. Chromite was asking for assistance to be set down onto the ground. Moonstone and Pyrite had helped her down while Astro was too busy with checking herself for any marks in her gem. She was obviously alive, a miracle itself, but to have crashed with such a delicate gem and not have a single mark? That was either very lucky, or a glimpse into the full power of and Astrophyllite. Astro saluted at Chromite's next command and got to work. Using her fields on her feet, she was able to walk on just about any surface on the ship. She could also attract objects a small distance away, granted that they were light enough, and began to run through the ship to pick up whatever little important odds and ends were available. The ship was sinking into the marshy waters below, and she didn't have a whole lot of time before it would eventually eat the ship up.