[@The Harbinger of Ferocity] Ahh. Yes. That was a thing. Because I was watching my roommate watch cringe compilations of similar people acting in similar ways. So those people in denial asking "Is there really ANYONE that gets triggered/acts crazy over nothing? Since I've never done research and clearly am already one of those people, where is all this evidence?" kind of people. Where I should just show them the massive piles of it saved and kept forever by the internet. >.< Saw this clip last night and I gave up on life. [i]again[/i] 4:28-4:54 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2mJvtr_ckM&t=4m28s To save you the headache, is a person literally bawling like a fucking baby over their significant other attempting to feed them a single bite of a vegetable and needing to be coddled for merely putting it NEAR them. These are the people I'm almost positive I argue with over the internet. :I