[@ArenaSnow]"i hope no one was in the school if they where paps is gonna have his hands full." sans said looking back at the now rubble of a school caused by the giant mech [@BrokenPromise] "heh sure if it keeps me from doing my job, but the question is do I want to scare you all before I help you or not" sans said as he floated back over to the group with the fashionista, the lion, and the sneks. He shrugged lazily as his right eye seemed to emit a small flame. suddenly a seemingly alive dragon skull appeared at the edge of the ravine in front of the fashionista. It was big enough to fit them all on it and float across. "hop on" sans said floating above it. [hider this is what it looks like][img]http://img07.deviantart.net/7be7/i/2016/072/d/6/gaster_blaster_by_themeekwarrior-d9uy3lq.png[/img][/hider]