Okay, I think there's been some miscommunication on my part; Alexander has two flavor of shields, barriers and force-fields. His barriers are stationary dome shaped shields. Think the [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Or-vAaf7org/hqdefault.jpg]Bubble Shield[/url] from Halo. Force-fields on the other-hand are shields that cling to people like a skin-tight suit, think of them as a full body suit of armor that not only weighs nothing, but doesn't restrict movement at all. I say all this because in Aria's post, Helga got past his his horde of clones (Alexander only had two out too boost Lilly) and broke through his barrier...singular, not plural. Despite the fact that based on the description of the attack, what she broke through was his force-field, not his barrier. Another thing is at the start of the fight, Alexander put up four barrier's around him. I'm sorry if this seems nitpicky, but I want to clear up just what Alexander's powers are and how they work.