[quote=Grey] "Ah, so you're a freeter," Ren nodded, having accepted that answer. It was understandable, more or less. Still, there were quite a few inconsistencies with her supposed job and the story she gave him. The stuttering and stammering didn't help her case either. Mentally he was ticking off various demon subspecies he could remember, as well as some significant wanted criminals from the news for good measure. He didn't bother the girl as she ate quickly, just kept to himself, analyzing what information he had as well as what he could gather from her appearance and visible belongings..."...That book looks old," Ren remarked, having spotted the aged dragon book Arydun had been hauling around. He couldn't really read the script at all, having declined taking any foreign languages classes, but it didn't look like anything he'd seen in his lifetime. It definitely looked like something that should be at the National Library, in any case. Ren continued, "can't quite decipher the script... Doesn't appear to be a writing that's particularly known or well distributed..." The Terrenian tapped his fingers on the table, "Your story's inconsistent with quite a few things I've picked up, too." Ren felt safe enough. Even if she reacted adversely to what he was going to say, there were too many people for her to start something."My hypothesis? You're either a dragon or a thief. Maybe both." [/quote] "Yea that is exactly what I am" Arydun nodded with a large smile when Ren gave her a name for what she did, it was helpful that her style of living did have a name and it was easy to remember though not that she ever had trouble forgetting things anyway. Arydun continued to eat her large after she spoke wanting to get right down to licking the plate clean, and she would have done it to if Ren's next words didn't stop her dead in her tracks. He had figured her out and she knew that as soon as he started to ask about her book, stating how old it was and the text on it to how inconsistent her story was before accusing her of being a Dragon and a Thief. Arydun didn't know what to say or do as she had never meet a human this smart before in her life, in truth she didn't know humans got this smart and though their IQ was fairly consistent but not that she was calling them stupid or anything. "I...I'm not a thief....this book...it was doing nothing but gathering dust where it was originally, with me it can serve it's true purpose as only I know why it was created in the first place" The Dragonette sighed a little "I guess I need to work on my cover story don't I? I knew it wasn't the best but I never imagined a mere human would figure me out. Don't get me wrong I'm not calling your kind unintelligent. time has jut moved on faster than I have realized" She explained herself as she turned her almost sad innocent eyes towards Ren begging him not to judge or tell any body what she was or about what the book was. The new stranger who entered the cafe and sat close by didn't go unnoticed by the female dragon, she had taken note of everyone who had entered or left the cafe but he seemed different. Arydun's attention though was being pulled in another direction with Ren as she started to fee nervous over being found out, what if he tried to call someone or try to take her book away from her?.