Akito began to speak about his experience in the rain and while he couldn’t sympathize with him, Hiro could imagine that riding around in the rain couldn’t have been fun. Maybe a light misty rain would have been nice and refreshing, but a downpour such as the one around them may have been a bit overwhelming. Hiro wouldn’t have known considering he was always whisked inside to stay dry because heavens forbid he got sick. He shifted the topic about his days as a soldier but Hiro continued to listen. Though as Akito continued, the prince couldn’t help the bewildered expression plastered on his face. “Nostal-? Wait, wait, wait.” Hiro shook his hands as if to stop Akito, although he had already done so. The idea of soldiers standing out in the rain training or even fighting was one thing, but, “You guys trained, naked in the rain?!” Hiro’s hand went up to his forehead, unsure if he should laugh or continue being incredibly confused. “Don’t people get… you know sick from that? Isn’t that bad for your health? Soldiers must have some insane immunity.” He looked off into the distance for a moment. “I swear my parents constantly complain about me getting sick as if I’ll die the moment I get a head cold. I’ve gotten sick like...three times that I can remember- at least sick enough to be bed ridden. All hell broke loose I tell you, it was-” He paused for a moment and sighed. “Well, okay that I guess is something to be concerned about.” He remembered the story of his mother being sickly before she died, so he could see that being a fear. He brushed the thought away before looking at Akito again. “Nonetheless, that sort of resolve training, or strength training, or whatever training sounds-! You know, I can’t actually think of a proper word for it besides crazy. Innnn neither a good or bad way. Just haven’t heard of anyone doing that. Then again, I’ve never talked about soldiers training either. So I don’t know what they do outside of the basic things father boasts about.” He hummed in thought, ceasing his own rambling and took a breath. “Well, yeah that would definitely be a reason not to be comfortable in the rain. But at least we’re dry and warm- more or less So is the horse, she’s probably happy about that too. And we still have some food, which are mostly desserts, leftover. I think we’re good to go.” Looking up at the protective canopy, Hiro tapped his cheek. “I’d say let’s hope this doesn’t last all day, but honestly a day outside of the palace is nice. Quieter and less hectic to be exact.”