Well, who would have thought that pulling a bat on someone could lead to getting assist with heavy labor? This… was an unusual experience. Then again he was an unusual guy, even when she met him a few years ago. He was kind, thoughtful and wanting to help someone that he didn’t know get somewhere in life. His stepping in really got her to where she was today and while she was grateful for it, she didn’t expect to pull a bat on someone she owed a lot to. Watching him hurry away she tilted her head in wonder. Why was he being so nice? And this wasn’t just a fluke, he was nice [i]often[/i]. Maybe he was brought up much like her, a small town boy knowing his manners just like she was a small town girl who knew her manners. Small town people can make it big, just like she did in the big city… okay, that’s a lie. She didn’t ‘make it big’ but she was getting somewhere and did it with a little help here and there; and she was proud of it. It takes a lot to make it in big cities when you grow up in a small life; surely he knew that as well as she did. She helped him load things into the wheelbarrow… meaning she pushed the bags to the end of the bed and let him load it. However there was no lack of surprise on Jonna’s face when he picked up the wheelbarrow with the shoulder straps and trotted towards the barn. It took her a moment to realize what was happening before she jumped out of the bed of the truck and chased him down. In the barn she arranged the sacks while he returned to the truck to get the rest. Boy she wasn’t much help on the farm now-a-days but having someone around who could help was nice. Maybe she could convince her dad to hire one of the local boys and pay him to do some of this when she wasn’t around. When he returned to the last set, she had placed everything where it needed to go and proceeded to follow up with the rest of the bags. Her head jerked towards him when he mentioned the blackmail and she dramatically rolled her eyes and puffed out her cheeks as she put another bag on top of the stack. “I dunno what ya’ll expect from lil’ ol’ me. I’m just an innocent southern bell.” She responded in her most cheese southern ascent she could muster. “I’d never pull a bat on any ol’ thing; much less chase’em down a dirt road yellin’ vulgarities and profanities at’em.” She gave him a cheesy ‘I’m joking’ wink before putting the last bag on the stack. His next point of conversation surprised her and she stopped moving with her small hands on the bag. Something about that didn’t sit right with her. What she witnessed was not fake and she would have been crushed by that bus if it wasn’t for that flying guy and he deserves more credit than what he was getting. A small sigh left her as she pulled the last bag into place. “I know he’s real.” She said with a nod as she turned around and gave a stretch, a small closed lips smile across her face as her long arms extended above her head. “Everyone wants a superhero to believe in because it gives inspiration to them.” Her arms fell to her side as she gave him a little nod. “Real or not, no one’s really given it a name so I think I’d call it Doctor X. Whatever it is seems to want to help, kind of like a doctor and since we don’t know what exactly it is so, X seems to fit.” Her shoulders rose and fell in tiny shrug. “But that’s neither here nor there. I assume you’d prefer to see Patches than hear me babble on… or swing a bat at you.” Her voice was filled with a playful laughter as she closed the topic on Doctor X. “I was going to let them out after I unloaded the truck so your timing is perfect.” With that she led him out of the feeding barn and into the horse barn. [url=http://www.sandcreekpostandbeam.com/content/Images/products/traditional_wood_barns/wood-barn-examples.png]The barn[/url] was the newest addition to the land, the old one was falling apart and a donator gave enough for her dad to build new one and for that the family and the animals were grateful. “Here we are. I don’t know if you want to take Patches out yourself but my dad typically opens the door outside of the stall and let’s Patches mosey out…” Mosey, boy she adapted back to farm life quick, her face read that rather clearly as she unlashed the barn door and pulled it open. She quickly shook away her expression and ventured inside with Duncan in tow. “Hello! I’m back!” She called out to the stalls, the bar held about 20 stalls and 6 of them had horses in them but Jonna made a beeline for an Arabian mare the fifth stall in. The mare gave a deep head bob at the sight of Jonna before giving the gate a gentle kick with her hook. Jonna placed a hand on the chest of the 16 hand [url=http://arabiansltd.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/rslfaith1030-11-2570web.jpg]Arabian mare[/url] and gave her a push back. “Hello Bucky the Beautiful!” She said a grin as she gave herself some space and opened the gate before slipping in and shutting it. Bucky gave Jonna an affection head nuzzle before her dark eyes went towards Duncan. Her movements stopped and her ears twitched a bit before her full attention went back to Jonna. “Oh my goodness, she likes you.” Jonna said with a laugh as she stroked her beloved horse’s head. “Normally she’ll put herself in between me and another person if she doesn’t like them or thinks they’re bad people. That’s a good sign.” “Did you bring something for Patches?”