[@Assallya] Being a pirate means to attacks/plunder/ rob a ship at sea. And I believe that pirates rely more on surprise attacks and stealthy tactics. For example they may spy on a ship from distance and at night they could stealthily send a few men to sabotage it. Knockout the crew, take the commander/captain prisoner so no opposition rises and just take what they want. This is of course a scenario when they lay an ambush behind a rock formation or so. In open sea it is unavoidable that you would kill someone when in a fight of life and death. Does killing someone make you a bad guy? Yes. Is a pirate a bad guy? Yes What is the name of this RP? [b]Pirate[/b] rp. I forgot the point I was trying to make, it's late at night, you can interpret this however you want. I'm certain there's a point behind what I wrote.