[h2][center]~|Interstellar Space, near the Y’Toub System|~[/center][/h2] [h3][center]~|Day 3, 7[sup]th[/sup] Hour|~ [u]Fa-Val-Kuul[/u][/center][/h3] By the time the sedative had wore off enough for Zora to come to, she would find herself awakening inside a cramped shuttle, with armed Republic operatives on all sides of her, and of course, Fa standing directly in front of her. Fa had personally taken the Twi’lek back to the shuttle, stripped her of everything she had, and given her another set of clothes to wear. There would be no surprises from their prisoner, as Fa had made sure she could hide nothing on her. Even so, Fa had her hands on her lightsabers as Zora was awakening, with the Sith’s lightsaber secured in one of the pouches on Fa’s person. Naturally, Fa had also made sure to take every precaution possible to eliminate any threat that Zora could pose, the least of which were the bindings keeping her tied to the seat she was in. “You will regain your bearings within a few minutes, but I will take the liberty of telling you exactly where you are regardless. Right now, you are in a shuttle, my shuttle, in the vacuum of space. You have been bound and secured aboard this vessel by trained professionals who, I guarantee you, have not made any mistakes that might let you get loose. If, by some miracle, you were able to escape your bindings, kill every soldier aboard this dropship, including the Jedi Master you are speaking to, then you would find that we are in the middle of interstellar space with an encrypted navicomputer. So, unless you have the patience to travel a few dozen light years at sublight speeds, then you should erase from your mind any thoughts of escape that you might be having.” Fa explained firmly, and without any particular emotion. Fa stepped closer to Zora, baring her many, sharp teeth ever so slightly. “Now, since that has been said as clearly as I can present it, I think it is time now for us to resume the conversation we were having back on Nar Shaddaa. If I recall correctly, you were being most rudely dismissive of the very generous offer I had given you.”