[color=6ecff6]"Woah. Winnie, Ash, I don't think we're actually standin' on solid ground here."[/color] Lucy said as she looked up from her position on the floor. [color=6ecff6]"Not sure what to make of it, but looks like there ain't a proper floor, just this packed, sandy stuff. Goes down pretty far too, not sure where the real bottom is."[/color] she shrugs. Seeing Wingate pull stuff out of the adventurer's satchel, she shuffles closer to get a better look. [color=6ecff6]"Ooh, now [i]that[/i] looks promisin'. I'll leave the journal decodin' to you while I take a look at the other stuff."[/color] she says to Wingate, taking the knife the teacher had discarded and turning it about, examining it from all sides. Ash felt a bit safer after she had confirmed they would not be impaled by a hidden trap. [color=ed1c24]~Lucille's ramblings are putting me on edge... but I can't dismiss them either. I'd never forgive myself if she was right and I ignored her.~[/color] She continued to stand a couple paces away from the other two, stance slightly more relaxed now, still keeping an eye out just in case. She didn't perceive the lack of solid floor as an immediate threat, but she kept it in mind in case anything happened. To the other two, it was clear by this point that Ash had very little personal interest in what they found here, and all of the actual archeology would be up to them.