Well I have to say, despite this rp still dying. You have to admit that we went far, farther then most rps on this subject do. I will upload the evolution trees I made for this rp up onto this site somewhere. I'll put them in the off topic section probably in the gallery or the articles and guides. Even if I'm not the one to do it I want re monster to be a truly successful rp someday. To all of you that were with me and to those that left, thanks for spending time here even if it wasn't long :) [@Duoya][@Acid Hippie][@Eklispe][@rbwls8028][@demonspade64][@El Noche][@The 4 Winds][@Wasted Ink][@Heyitsjiwon][@December][@Rune_Alchemist][@Pathfinder][@Duthguy]