[h1][center].:Penny:.[/center][/h1] Penny’s attention snapped to Lily’s fight as an animalistic roar came from the lighting wielders opponent, who proceeded to quickly tear through Alex’s defenses and take him out of the fight from the looks of things. A tingle went up the mechanical girl’s spine at the savage attack, from anticipation or horror she couldn’t say. [color=9e0039][b][u]”Target acquired”[/u][/b][/color] Penny spoke softly as she locked her gaze on the Monster Girl that had attack Alex. She stilled for a moment as she unknowingly stopped breathing. Light sparks of electricity began running across her arms and legs as she prepped herself mentally for the fight before suddenly she burst in to motion. Her makeshift bat became a makeshift javelin as she hurled it at Helga aiming for the girl’s chest hoping it wouldn’t be seen in the shower of light arrows that Alicia was firing off. Simultaneously she charged towards her target at a surprising speed considering she was seemly made of metal. [color=9e0039][b][u]”Alicia, I’ve got this Wretch”[/u][/b][/color]she called out as she launched a flurry of punches at her chosen opponent trying to force her away from Alex [color=9e0039][b][u]”Help Janet with the other scum”[/u][/b][/color] [@Card Captor][@Flamelord][@Ariamis][@t2wave]