As the door opened Gracie woke at the sound and pulled the covers up to her chin, ready to hide under them. When she realized that Zavist was leaving the room she scrambled off the bed and raced out the door, grabbing his waist and shaking her head vehemently. Brenna tried to pull her off. "I'm so sorry," she told Zavist before signing to Gracie to let go. Gracie tried voicing but it sounded muffled, like her was trying to talk with a mouth full of cotton balls. "Stay. Stay. Monsters." "No monsters here," Brenna signed and spoke. "Brotherhood protect us. Here is safe. I promise. Here is safe." Brenna pried Gracie off of Zavist and looked at him apologetically, biting her lower lip. "She is quite taken with you it seems," she said, her blush indicating that the child wasn't the only one taken with the male. "She'll be fine after I get her to bed."