Sandra was asking for a refill on her cup of coffee. Wait, Sandra? She didn't look like a Sandra anymore; she didn't look like on before, but now even more so with that indifferent look on her eyes. John decided not to bother too much with the details and just poured her another coffee. "Here you go, Ma'am." The diminutive dwarf covered in piles of fabric was asking for Octornapie. Octornapie. Octornapie. He pulled out his Guide from under the bar: a thin sheet of plastic with the knowledge of the worlds in it (along with small friendly letter on its side which for some reason says "ON'T PANI". It's slightly smudged). He scrolled through the screen. Octornapie. Octopipie? He remembered some squid-headed water god buying that to make fun of a linguist. No, that can't be it. Octornapie. Ah, here it is. A pie made of a specific variation of octopus. John touched some buttons and went to the microphone at the back wall. "Hey. Someone ordered an Octornapie. I just sent the details. Get Ryan on the temporal drive to get the ingredients, alright?" John paused and glanced at his customer. They seemed [i]completely[/i] famished. He went back to the mic. "Actually just get the pie there and bring it with you, just so- oh, ok. That was fast." A door slid open on the wall, revealing a freshly-made octonarpie. John took it gingerly and served it to the fabric-clad dwarf. "Here you go. I hope it's to your liking." John took a glance at the other customers. Levi was chatting, rather unhappily, with Mr. Trouble and his entourage. No problems yet on that front. And on the front door- A teenage girl burst in. [quote]"Excuse me, do you know where the nearest train station is? I have to go to school, but the one outside seems closed. Can you please tell me where I am?"[/quote] "Train station? Ah, err." John blinked. Yet another person who only vaguely looked like someone who looked exactly like them. The new girl was the splitting image of Levi's previous companion, Yylya, but with wildly different temperament. "There's no train stations here, girl. This is the Restaurant at the End of the Universe." He pointed to the sign above his head. And after that, from the front door, came a little robed girl flanked by guards. "Welcome to the Restaurant!" John waved merrily at at the newcomers. The Restaurant was getting some very interesting customers one after another. [hr] [hider=Situation Notes] [b]Just arrived:[/b] - An omnipotent little girl, flanked by guards. All in holy robes. [b]People on the bar:[/b] - Sandy Cane, a space bounty huntress, having her fries and hot dog. - Ziggletrox the Destroyer, a dragon-shaped amoeba, perpetually drunk. Chatting with each other: - Levi, a bearded 33-year-old man in a sports jacket, sulking. - Abigail, an Author's Ambassador, also an angry woman in a dress. - The Infamous, flanked by scantily-armoured drow and vampire. Ordering something to eat and drink - Pridopus, a short figure covered entirely in fabric, awfully hungry. - The Authoress, a teenage girl who previously introduced herself as "Sandra" In a corner: - Cledwynn Magouloura, a half-ghost half-mechanical, a bit tense. Not seated: - A teenage elven girl (Yylya) [b]Other Staff[/b] - Robin, a human waitress, currently behind the bar. [/hider]