[hider=Selva the Shedevil] [b]Full Name:[/b] Selva Dubois (Pronounced "Seal-va Do-bwa") [b]Aliases:[/b] Shedevil, Selly [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Rank:[/b] Trainee, "Pup" [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/u41tPpX.jpg[/IMG] [b]Appearance:[/b] Selva has a fairly average height for a girl her age, somewhere around 5'6". She is unnaturally pale and quite thin though curvy, especially quite top heavy. Selva has a pointed narrow face with thin small lips, a small pointed nose, and thin eyebrows which she covers with brown eyebrow pencil. Her eyes are the largest feature on her face, they a deep blue with thick mascara coated lashes in order to hide the strange naturally light blue lashes underneath. Selva has long, flowing straight yet unnaturally blue hair that reaches her lower back, it also having straight bangs. Because of her mutations, Selva also adorns sharpened teeth and pointed claw like nails on both her hands and feet. She usually wears a sort of mage-like outfit (shown in image.) [hider=Ultimate Devil form] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/aG1ABVO.jpg[/IMG] When she uses 'Ultimate Devil', Selva takes on this appearance. Her facial features, body structure, and the like are mostly the same besides her glowing white eyes. Her hair also becomes an inky black color, the tips sharpened like knives. On her head are two large curled horns, and on her shoulder blades sprout two small black feathered wings which can expand at will in order to allow her to fly. Her clothes become a black shadowy covering over her body, similar to clothes yet at the same time, not, as it is in fact a part of her skin. It extends from her knife like fingertips to the middle of her bicep, from her bikini line up to a v-shape on her chest, and from the heels of what appear to be spiked heels up to her mid thighs. There is also a band of it around her neck like a choker. Each of the tops of these sections are blurry and ink-like. (I attempted to draw it. Please ignore my terrible drawing skills, you get the idea:) [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/pleOzJP.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] [b]Witch Mutations:[/b] Selva has unnaturally pale skin, as well as her characteristic bright blue hair. People think she dyes it, but it is her natural hair color. Her teeth are very sharp, even her molars have pointy edges, and her nails grow in pointed as well. [b]Skills:[/b] Selva is an ice witch. She manipulates ice and can form it whenever she wishes. This can be in order to strike her enemy with a shard of ice, or to create a barrier of ice between her and her allies from the enemy (list of spells can be created upon request.) Her most well known ability is "Ultimate Devil." This turns Selva into a demonic being (described in appearance.) In this form, Selva loses her ice powers in favor of a great boost to her physical aspects such as speed, strength, endurance, agility and more. It also gifts her the ability to fly, as well as blade like nails and 'heels' in order to attack and slash up her opponent. This form earned her the nickname 'Shedevil' which she adopted to create a name for the transformation. [b]Preferred Equipment:[/b] None. Her only equipment is her powers, and as her devil form, her body. However, in her normal form, this does cause an issue if she is attacked for she has nothing to protect her. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Of course, Selva's ice affinity makes her weak to heat, so that she cannot even walk in the sun during the summer time. At the same time, she is highly resistant to any cold weather, and easily can walk in a snowstorm half-naked without being the slightest bit bothered. Fire-users are a big problem for her as well as close combat fighters, for Selva also is a ranged attacker and cannot fight up close— at least, not in her normal form. [b]Persona:[/b] Selva, surprisingly, is a very carefree person. She likes to tease people and play games, often considered very childish and immature. She loves candy and a lot of people like her. On the battlefield, Selva is ruthless, and very aggressive which is a very dramatic shift in character. Otherwise, she is quite calm, and doesn't really have a temper. Selva is considered patient, but also doesn't really complete her work unless reminded due to her forgetfulness. In general, she is a very kind person, unless you attack her or those close to her. She is extremely loyal to Wild Jagd, and will have no qualms hurting anyone who turns against them. Though she has an affectionate and puppy-like demeanor, people often say she's a bit too friendly, and doesn't quite understand the meaning of 'shy.' Selva will be the first to greet someone and become their friend, especially if they seem to be on the outskirts of the group. [b]Known History:[/b] From what Wild Jagd has gathered about her, Selva's story is very similar to most Witch children. Her family noticed her demonic fanged teeth and nails, as well as her nearly translucent skin and bright blue hair, and quickly got rid of her. Selva can't remember her family at all or where she comes from, her earliest memory is being with a Witch who had took her in— an elder woman who lived out in the forest away from civilization because of her horrible mutations of a crooked broken horn and one hoof instead of a foot. The elderly Witch told her that she had found Selva on the edge of the forest, left to be eaten by wolves or simply starve to death. The elder, Margaret, had heard crying and picked up the strange looking child, quickly understanding what had happened. Selva was raised by Margaret, who she called 'Mom', for nearly 19 years. When she heard about Wild Jagd, a place where they accepted her kind, Selva was ecstatic. She tried to get Margaret to go with her, but the elder just gave a small smile and sent her off, saying "I'm too old to chase down Fragments. Go for me, child. I know you'll make me proud." Margaret waved her off, Selva running off to Wild Jagd to apply with tears welled up. She just got in today, a month after her 'birthday'— the day Margaret rescued her. [/hider]