Lucky paused looking at the baron before adding his opinion into the mix as he told them they would be going to town. [color=Silver]"Hmmm good chance for me to look for any new books on time manipulation... Also to see the blacksmith about getting me something better than a knife."[/color] Of course he didn't speak of where he'd gotten the money for these endeavors or if indeed he had the money or played to gain it another way. Lucky had a wonderful talent for objects vanishing yet he always had a solid alibi, of course he could have been manipulating time but who would be so petty as to gift of magic for simple burglary. [color=Silver]"Of course I still don't approve of that monstrous metal box. Nothing is as reliable as a good horse, no matter who built it. Speaking of my work, I finish training that pony. Maybe I can give Veronica a riding lesson when we get back, after all it's not like the little thing is big enough to hurt her."[/color] He added remembering the smaller equine had been a little stubborn but hadn't even bucked. [color=Silver]"Of course that is just my opinion sir. You do set the rules around here."[/color] He added quickly making sure he didn't seem to forceful or grateful. The man had given work to someone the town had considered a swindler and liar, even if he was just a child he owed the baron much.