[center][quote]To my old master, By the time you read this, I will be long dead. When the sun rises, the tyrant king will invade my city. I believed in you, master. You gave me a shimmer of hope as you spoke the prophecy. Well now I wish I didn't. You were wrong, the prophecy is wrong. The children of destiny are never coming, we are alone in this world, and we have no choice but to suffer. Goodbye, my old master.[/quote][/center] [center][b]The Prophecy Was never wrong! When all hope is lost, eight children of destiny will be born under the elemental gods. Protected and hidden within the magically enchanted places of old. When the destined children intertwine, the tyrant king will fall. The ancient places of old. Said to be hidden and protected by magic. Only those destined allowed to pass through. Hidden in the Skies. (Island in the skies) Buried within the Inferno Ground (Underground Volcano) Lost in the Ocean Bottom (Atlantis) Mountains all Around. (Some sort of mountain area, maybe mountain village) Hidden Within Thor's Rod. (Lightning Tower in power plant maybe) Safe upon the Hands of God (Some sort of hidden church) Living within the Dead. (Graveyard) Trapped within a Pit. (Mine) When all hope is lost, the children of destiny will rise, and the tyrant's tyranny will end.[/b][/center] So, there are eight elements. It is a first come first serve. You can either Pm me your chosen element, or you can post here. Earth (Duthguy) Water (DracoLunaris) Wind (DragonKingUk) Fire (Ryuji Sakamoto) Lightning/Thunder (deyinger) Light (Conch Shell VII) Dark (The One) Metal (Pathfinder) Once all elements are gone you can still join as a guardian, chosen to protect the Elemental Chosen Ones. Cs Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Element: Power: Location: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Other: Pet Name: Pet Age: Pet Gender: Pet Species: Pet Appearance: Pet Personality: Elementals get a aditional power alongside their element. If you are Earth, you control all that is earth, trres, plants, nature, etc therefore you do not need to mention you control earth or any earth based powers as it is your element.