[color=00ced1][h3][b][u]CIEL, [i]The Stargazer[/i] [/u] [sup][i]KC-00032: The Angel's Fortress[/i][/sup][/b][/h3][/color] [color=00ced1]"Oh, this song... could it be?"[/color] Ciel's face brightened into a grin of excitement as she heard the song coming from KC-00032 and observed its effect on the Machina forces. There was only one individual in the whole Nexus who could do that. Just the one Ciel wanted to see the most to say the truth. [color=00ced1]"It's really her, the High Queen in person!"[/color] she said, almost falling off the Angelic Fortress' ramparts as she saw the holographic projection of Eos all over the factory. [color=fff79a]"Master, are you sure that you should be that excited because of the enemy?"[/color] Aquila said as she used the winds to throw even more and larger debris at the Machina forces, focusing her attacks on the biggest targets, namely Grafdakka and Unit-T. Hitting something that big with steel beams and whole sections of the infrastructure would be a piece of cake. Not to say how much the severe hurricane like wings would impair any who where exposed to it. Aquila also took care of throwing some debris in the path of the bullets shot at her distracted master. Whoever though that they could use her own holy winds against her was very wrong. [color=00ced1]"Oh, come on, Aquila, you don't know it but I have my reasons,"[/color] Ciel said, puffing her cheeks. A mischievous grin popped on the Stargazer's lips a moment later as she raised a hand, reaching for the sky. [color=00ced1]"Hey, Aquila, a show is not a show without fireworks, isn't it? How about we give a hand to my other sel- I mean the High Queen?"[/color] At Ciel's command, day turned into night as a clear, sparkling star field appeared to dance over KC-00032. The Stargazer spread her arms, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, concentrating her power. [i][color=00ced1]"We are the stars: The Singing Stars..."[/color][/i] she said in a trance-like manner, causing the world itself to shake. [i]"We are the stars that sing with light,"[/i] A voice, or better, a chorus coming from the stars themselves responded to her call. Aquila gulped. Not only her master was thinking of destroying the whole place from the get go. But also a certain overpowered blonde midget was now sitting beside them, grinning at the sight before her eyes, as obnoxious as ever. [color=ffd700]"Such an awe inspiring sight, the power of Mankind, I mean, right?"[/color] None but Hohenheim, the Alchemist of Genesis, said as she sat on the wall, beside Ciel. [color=ffd700]"And to think that she was made in a world where the best technology available were touchscreen phones."[/color] Hohenheim rolled a pair of dice in her hand as she waited Ciel's reply, knowing that she had broken the Stargazer's concentration. Ciel pouted, halting her spell casting in order to address Hohenheim. [color=00ced1]"What are you doing here, Hoho? I don't remember summoning you,"[/color] she said while letting part of the power she had accumulated rain down upon KC-00032 in the form of a shower of meteors made of pure starlight. [color=ffd700]"I'm observing, as always. You know that my job is to conduct the experiments, right?"[/color] Hohenheim replied, seemingly oddly uninterested as KC-00032 was bombarded by small fraction Ciel's star magic. [color=ffd700]"It's not like I could miss the results of having two beings like you and her fight one another. Even on this realm of eternal strife, it's not everyday that such a strong paradox happens."[/color] [color=00ced1]"Suit yourself, then,"[/color] Cel said as she got back to observing the battlefield, wondering what she would do next. [color=de3163][h3][b][u]EOS, [i]The High Queen[/i] [/u] [sup][i]KC-00032: The Control Room[/i][/sup][/b][/h3][/color] [hider=BGM][center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YrxlNFJCTE[/youtube][/center][/hider] [Coming soon]