Cole felt his teeth physically hurt as the metallic sound rang out through the air, clenching his eyes shut at the same time. He didn't miss that flash of light, though. Which meant one of two things. The Inquisitor had a light of some kind - or he had just used magic. Cole had seen the talisman, briefly, but he'd never actually studied magical artifacts... the Heaven's Eyes had as much of a handle on those books as they did on books about the Ground. The closest he'd ever gotten was Biology, with a brief mention on how certain races were resistant to magic. Maybe even resistant enough to fight back? He whipped his head around, searching for where he'd last seen the red-headed Dryad. She might not even know his name yet, but she needed to know this. A life might depend on it. [color=92278f]"Drya- Aura! You need to help Ekaterine! You - your biological make-up can fight off magic!"[/color]