[@Zelosse] The angry boy's disruptive outburst at the assembly brought a smirk to Catherine's lips; here was a prickly little thing that was internally screaming for guidance, screaming to be taught, to be molded...to be broken in. She loved problem children like him, seeing much of her own youth in his behavior. Of course, Headmaster Hargor had done the right thing by glossing over the outburst, as for herself, Catherine decided not to give the boy any immediate attention either; she would approach him in her own time. When the assembly was dismissed, Catherine resumed her hovering patrol to see the students safely to their dorms, enjoying how fascinated most of the students were with the water constructs that guided them. After that, she headed back to the teachers' quarters to make some final preparations for tomorrow's lessons. [hr] ShiZhen plodded forward slowly, following the line of people waiting to pick up their keys. She was pretty high strung. After the incident at the fountain, she had gone with Jake to get themselves dried up, leaving them very little time to explore the grounds. All throughout the assembly, she had focused very hard on not collecting moisture, though the sudden angry outburst almost made her slip up. Due to this division of her attention, she wasn't able to truly appreciate all the beauty of the assembly hall. And then she was following a watery figure to her dorm. She wondered if she'd ever be able to make something like that, if only she could get her ability under control. She got her key from the pleasant girl behind the counter, returning a pleasant, [color=a187be]"Thank you,"[/color] though she didn't have the luxury to linger as the person behind her was impatiently trying to get their key as well. As ShiZhen approached her room, she noticed a trail of water, and a strange, hopeful thought entered her head, [color=a187be][i]'My dorm mate has the same issue as me!'[/i][/color] ShiZhen saw a girl with short, reddish hair and striking blue eyes. [color=a187be]"I-it's nice to meet you, my name is ShiZhen Fang, it looks like I'll be your dorm mate this year."[/color] Pointing to the water on the ground, she added, [color=a187be]"I-I also have this problem."[/color] It came as such a relief for her that she wasn't alone in this. [@Pseudo Stygian] [@liferusher]