(Alight under construction as art is still pending. :D) Full Name: Hari Aliases: Age: 18 Gender: Male Rank: Trainee Appearance (Human) : Skills: [b] Witch Mutation/s (If Character is a Witch)[/b]: Aside from when he's donning a large trapper hat, it's pretty easy to work out what Hari's mutation is. Out from his skull curl a pair of horns, like those of a ram, however they appear to be made of something jet black, and criss-crossed with jagged cracks and fissures. Despite the apparently fractured appearance of them, the horns have appeared to be extremely strong and resistant to damage. When Hari becomes angry the fissures can be seen to glow, as if something deep inside them has become red hot. More alarmingly, the horns will sometimes drip boiling blood from the cracks, though it's yet unknown what triggers it. [b] Preferred Equipment[/b]: Whilst his mentor is more comfortable with firearms, it was quickly recognised that Hari's impressive level of strength and speed left him better suited for more close-quarter Weaknesses: Persona: Known History: