Wanted to extend an apology if I came across as hostile as well. Typed words tend to have a hard time expressing sentiments. I'm finding Skaven really fascinating but fundamentally revolting. Having a good time trying to decide how to alter them without ruining the lore that I'm really quite enamored with at this point. I'm working on my Skaven sheet now, does anyone mind if I allude to a defeated human army from times long past? I was thinking about how to do my Skaven Legionnaire clan and decided that the best approach might be to say that they fought a long war against them in times long past, and having suffered enormous losses against comparatively small numbers they adopted some of the techniques. Skaven have little to no written history, so even they themselves will have forgotten most of what they once knew of these people. In order not to sort of ruin what makes Skaven Skaven they won't always be able to hold the discipline that's quite important for such tactics to work. So the Skaven pikemen who are supposed to be forming an impenetrable wall of pointy death may well end up giving in to bloodlust and just dashing in. I'm thinking perhaps they're particularly susceptible to the chanting and fervor of Clan Pestilens, making it hard for the two to work together.