[hider=Suisei Shinoda] [center][h3][b][color=FFE4B5]"Demons? Angels? None of that religious shit matters. What DOES matter is that if you try going after my boss ever again, the next thing that'll be mattering to you is just how long its gonna take 'till you hit the pavement."[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/XXRxJFz.png[/img] Standing at a relatively tall (For Japan) 5'9", Suisei isn't especially intimidating until he's angered. His body is riddled with scars due to the months of agony he endured as punishment, and the most prominent of which are two scars running from his brow down to his left cheek an inch apart. His skin's a bit on the tan side, and his hair almost looks like its all been singed to a sort of ash-black. He is missing his pinky fingers on both hands, and keeps his knuckles bandaged to try and obscure it. [b]Name: [/b]Suisei Shinoda [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Former Race:[/b] Human [b]Race:[/b] Reincarnated Angel (4 Wings) [b]Card:[/b] 8 of Spades [b]Notable Skills:[/b] [/center][list] [*]Beating shit up real good: Suisei is a savant of violence, and as such if you need him to rough someone up, he's usually the best for that kinda stuff. Hey, its a talent to figure out how to destroy a car with just a bat. [*]Hell of a throwing arm: Little League did Suisei wonders, and with his newfound angelic strength, he can clock in a fastball at roughly 200 KM/h. Even more if he uses a bat to swing at it. [*]Voice of an Angel: Bizarrely enough, Suisei has a rather amazing singing voice, being able to effectively fill a room with it. He has the kind of voice that someone could carry over an entire baseball stadium in leading the national anthem alone, but if you ever bring it up he might deck you. He's sensitive about it. [*]Detonating Light Constructs: Technically the most useful skill he has stemming from his lessons under Camael, Suisei is capable of making any light construct he makes detonate at will. [*]Driving: What? Its a skill![/list] [center] [b]Holy Sacraments:[/b] None [b]Equipment:[/b] These Hands. And a driver's license. [b]Sacred Gear:[/b] [b][i]Holy Wings of Pegasus: Mount of Bellerophontes[/i][/b]: The wings of the horse that carried the man who defeated the original Chimera takes the form of a [url=http://i.gzn.jp/img/2009/03/27/super_tms2009/P1110281.JPG]motorcycle[/url] designed for a single person, shining in the sunlight as it carries its user. The maximum speed that the bike is capable of reaching is 1600 KM/h, and as such is nearly impossible to control once it reaches its maximum. As such, you'll rarely see Suisei approach anywhere near that speed, but were he to try and crash into someone with Pegasus that fast, he'd kill himself in the process. While not possessing the ability to fly, these grounded wings are capable of flawlessly performing on nearly any terrain, save for heavily rain slicked roads. In addition, the bike is capable of driving vertically up objects, offering Suisei far more mobility to go with its speed. While the bike can be summoned and un-summoned at will, the actual process takes three full minutes, and the bike will automatically begin to deconstruct itself after Suisei has gone out of an immediate vicinity of 300 feet from it. [i][b]Balance Breaker: Carrier of Lightning:[/b][/i] A non-combat Balance Breaker that arguably completely neuters Pegasus when active, that greatly expands its mass and reduce its speed to that of a normal land vehicle specifically the one that it takes the shape of; A massive, pure white limousine built to carry up to 16 people. The interior is incredibly spacious and comfortable, looking like something that a movie star would ride in. Full leather upholstery, an A/C system that ensures that its always comfortable inside for the passengers. This state can only persist for as long as Suisei is in the driver seat, as the minute he gets out, every passenger will be ejected and "Spat Out" by the car, before it deconstructs completely. This Balance Breaker was literally achieved due to a sole incident where Camael was nearly hit by a car while walking. Of course, that wouldn't hurt him...but Suisei worried for his safety SO GREATLY that now he refuses to let him go anywhere without Carrier of Lightning. [b]Magic: [/b] Basic Angelic Light Projection, as well as Overloaded Light Projections [b]Personality:[/b] Suisei is, put bluntly, one rude motherfucker. He doesn't care for formalities for those under him, only seeming to offer much respect to the boss and those above him in rank. Even so, just because he's rude to you doesn't mean he hates you. In fact, he actually tends to try and look out for the other Brave Saints where he can, often checking up on them without letting them know. Brash, abrasive, and as crude as oil, Suisei is hard to get along with, even moreso if you're not especially "Brave" for a saint. Still, he's more interested in making sure that the members of the Saints are safe and growing well enough to be useful, and is more than willing to stick his neck out for a subordinate and even fight to the death for them. That's just the kind of loyalty he offers, whether someone returns it or not. That being said, betrayal is something that he deems worthy of death depending on the severity. He's also...kind of an idiot. Battle strategies from him mostly consist of: "Hitting them in the fucking face until they stop getting up" or "Just hit them in the gut harder until they stop getting up". Even so, you can expect him to follow through to the letter on a plan that either the boss or someone else comes up with that makes sense to him. He's a fighter, not a thinker. [b]History:[/b] One would logically wonder why such a huge asshole and obvious ne'er-do-well is doing as an agent of god. One would also wonder why Suisei hates to talk about it so much. While dying and coming back to life is a big deal for a ton of people, for Suisei it was almost a second form of punishment. Having been born into a family deeply integrated into the criminal underbelly, joining up with a strong Yakuza clan was simply a part of his life that happened. Went to school, made friends, graduated, and then went to busting people's heads over counters for protection money. Extortion, fraud, blackmail, trafficking, vandalism, Suisei really was the scum of the earth, and at only twenty. Two years of criminal activity and he find that loyalty to the darkest levels of zaibatsus is paid in blood, and for one as devotedly loyal as Suisei, one particular criminal head gave him a promotion to Lieutenant...under the condition that he eliminate a rival head. Of course, Suisei departed and planned to bomb his car without hesitation. Even if murder was murder, the fact of the matter was that the crime boss he was to assassinate was scum just like he was. That's just the kind of world they lived in. Of course, all that thinking and planning came to a halt once it came time to detonate the car on a Sunday afternoon...a young girl and a loving wife both in the car with a man who'd committed crimes far worse than Suisei. Probably broken up families, torn apart dreams...but man, if there was one thing Suisei never thought he'd lack, it'd be a reason to hurt someone else. For all intents and purposes, the two civilians were like a giant red flag to him, and as such he failed to carry out his orders. Fearing for their lives, Suisei purposefully crashed a nearby bike into the car, all with the intent to stop it and reveal the assassination plot. He was listened to, surprisingly, albeit at gunpoint. Returning with his mission sabotaged by himself, Suisei felt the seething kind of disappointment that came from a boss who's worker had spat in his face. Having offered to take his own life as recompense, he was denied any form of quick mercy compared to what was ordered to be done to him. Seven months in a dark room far beneath a parking complex, his pinkie fingers severed for cutting his loyalties, his liver shot full of experimental medicinal poisons, one of his kidneys and one of his lungs taken to be sold, and emaciated beyond being recognizable as anything close to living, Suisei survived and lived to his last breath, a man sold to his own ideals rather than somebody else's. At his darkest moment, when death stared him in the face however, he saw not a grim reaper but an angel. An angel that had need of someone willing to defy the evil within themselves to do something that was right. As for Suisei...he just needed someone to buy him some damn food and a wrap of bandages. Having endured hell on earth and being an agent of a devil, rose above it all and became an Angel. And then he sure as FUCK went to knock some skulls in. What? Revenge isn't a sin if you ARE the act of god! [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlEGflonuZA]Theme Song[/url] [/center] [/hider]