[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qcZ1RfK.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=456097]Artoria, Master of the Maniacal Menagerie[/color][/h3][/center] [color=456097]"... Eeep.."[/color] Artoria said as she scuttled a bit backwards. [color=456097]"Yeah! It's totally ready now, yep, I'm off."[/color] Artoria's statement was not very reassuring. Tearing open the fabric of space, Bunny Ears, Fox Tails, Pangolin Claws, and Magpie Wings at the ready, she flashed into the room next to the room with the Gamma suit. With Hibiki distracted by fighting, she wouldn't likely notice Artoria in time, as she both wasn't in the room with the Gamma suit, and rather than try to disengage the security mechanisms, try to wear the suit, or any of that, Artoria simply sucked Gamma and that entire wall between the two rooms into her Gates of Tartarus in a fraction of a second. And once inside the Gates of Tartarus, which had a stasis effect and a dimensional barrier, it would likely be protected it from Hibiki's explosives. Now, the suit was still rigged with explosives (even if prevented from exploding while within the Gates of Tartarus), so Artoria couldn't use it, but neither could anyone else unless they could reach into Artoria's Gates of Tartarus. [@Ryonara] Then, she teleported to the top of the inside of the fortress and then Artoria surrounded herself with outward facing gates, sending hundreds of tons of superheated demonic lava with evil Valkyrie fire everywhere. By gathering up demonic lava that was already tainted, then charging it further with Ira's Black Flame and Mephila's pyrokinesis, then storing it in the stasis of Gates of Tartarus, Artoria had a rather potent combined charge up attack that she could store up massive quantities of. She had been doing this, poking her wingtips and tailtips through portals, while lounging in the throne room. With her endless deluge of evil superheated lava, which was the only thing inside her Gates of Tartarus other than Gamma, she hoped to melt as much of the factory as she could. Hopefully she'd at least get the sound system. [@KoL][@TheWindel]