Okay then. I have some questions, but for now, here's what I came up with: [hider=Amèlie Lumière] Name: Amèlie Lumière Gender: F Age: 16 Appearance: In lieu of a description, here's some fancy art: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/f2/e9/74/f2e9743c6222b7bfc85db14c609ce7da.jpg[/img] Personality: Amèlie is a bright, powerful, and curious young girl. She's always ready and willing to help someone who needs it if she can, and she is driven more than anything by wanderlust. She knows that the world is beautiful, and would like to see it one day. Bio: Amèlie was born in the village of Bugarach, France, and has never left it. Bugarach, a tiny commune near Carcassonne with a population of about 300 people, has always been something of a hub for the divine and the spiritual, but not exactly in the way you may be expecting. Bugarach is named for the Pic de Bugarach, a beautiful mountain at whose foot the commune is built. However, there is something odd about the mountain. Analysis of the mountain's stone has indicated that the top layers of the mountain's stone are older than its lower layers. There is a perfectly reasonable geological explanation for this, but that hasn't stopped many from attributing it to otherworldly forces. Likely the most famous theory as to how the mountain is the way it is states that a dangerous race of aliens are buried beneath the mountain, and will emerged to destroy and/or conquer the world at the end of the Mesopotamian Long Count Calendar in 2012. Naturally, 2012 has come and gone, but the mountain has remained a point of interest for esoteric spiritual groups throughout France and throughout the world. One such group that holds the mountain in such high regard is the [color=fff79a][i]Gardiens de l'aube,[/i][/color] a strange group of spiritualists who venerate the sun as well as the mountain. They believe that the mountain is a living being who wills the sun to rise each day. They have a few complex spiritual beliefs and practices that I could go into, but the one that's most relevant to this discussion is a prophecy that one day, the Morning Mother will give unto the world her only child, the Child of the Dawn, who is prophesied to rid the world of a great evil, and bring light to Earth's darkest hour. Amèlie, to circle back, was born in the shadow of the Mountain and has never left her commune. Her parents are devoted members of the GDA, and even legally changed their last name to Lumière (which is literally the French word for light) as a show of devotion to the Morning Mother. Amèlie was born on a cool spring morning and spent all her life devoted to helping her little village thrive. One day, however, her father was beaten badly by a rowdy group of visiting tourists. Shocked and terrified, Amèlie charged the drunken reprobates and tried to scare them off. Her entire body glowed with blinding white light, scaring the drunks away without much trouble. Then, panicked, she rushed over to her father and simply willed him back to health. This was the first time either of these things had happened, and Amèlie was as surprised as anyone else. But the GDA rejoiced, because these abilities must have meant that Amèlie, who they had kept safe and raised all these years, was the Child of Dawn, the Chosen One, destined to save the world. For years, the GDA kept Amèlie safe and helped her to focus her powers. On the morning of her sixteenth birthday, the GDA presented Amèlie with a few days' worth of supplies, provided her with a good, strong horse, and told her that the time had come. Amèlie set off into the world, excited to see all that she had not yet had the chance to, and eager to fulfill her destiny. Element: [color=fff79a]Light[/color] Power: Body Manipulation Location: Bugarach, France Family: Mother, father Friends: The Gardiens de l'aube Sentimental Attachment: Bugarach Other: [Nothing comes to mind here. I may come back to this later.] Pet Name: Madeline Pet Age: 4 Pet Gender: F Pet Species: Horse Pet Appearance: Here she is! [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2pcf3q9Gw1qdm7byo1_500.jpg[/img] Pet Personality: Madeline is loyal and steadfast, and will rarely leave Amèlie's side if there is not a good reason to do so. Amèlie has cared for Madeline since she was born, and they share a special bond as a result of this. It's as if they can actually understand one another. [/hider]