[color=lightcoral]"I'm not a full fledged engineer, but I know a thing or three about how GEAR's work underneath the hood."[/color] chimed in Sara, speaking for the first time since they began their meeting. She was never really much for talking, and everyone else's voice rang out a lot louder than hers. The discussion had been about what she'd expected, the others voicing their concerns and Atlas doing his best to respond, which he did somewhat admirably. At least he knew how to talk, and he had the gusto befitting of a team leader determined to make things happen. Her face fell a bit when Atlas mentioned her coming up with strategies for the team- she hated shot calling and wouldn't when she could avoid it. The only reason she made any play on her own during the practice match was because they were at a standstill without Bill's leadership. Their team makeup was unconventional, and they'd need more than just a series of isolated 1v1s in order for them to succeed. [color=lightcoral]"As far as sponsors go, I could also try to get us Lockheed Martin and H&K."[/color] Sara added. Like Hyperion, Lockheed and H&K were Sara's personal sponsors, paying for her tuition costs and GEAR maintenance, as her family wouldn't be able to dream of paying the steep price of ACE Academy's tuition fees for two children. Atlas suggested a few ideas for plans for tomorrow- as today was coming to a close. They could train some more- which Sara wouldn't be opposed to. She loved an excuse to pilot her GEAR, and with their performance today, they could use an exercise or two in team cohesion. They could also scout out other teams, which Sara also wasn't opposed to. [color=lightcoral]"If we can figure out who we're up against and what they're piloting, I could probably find some weaknesses in their GEARS- lots of students here customize mass production models, and most models have some sort of flaw or other- chinks in the armor plating, balance issues when adding additional gear, fuel feed inefficiencies. Stuff like that we could take advantage of. I just need model numbers and production dates."[/color] If Atlas wanted Sara to help with strategy and planning, she needed to know what they were facing. She wasn't much for fighting, sure she knew what she was doing, but she didn't for a second think she could take a skirmisher like Bill in a straight up fight- and if reputations were to be correct, he was little more than a backup pilot thrust into responsibility. Currently, as far as Sara was concerned, Rio's Union made the cornerstone of their team- a sturdy frontline wall and base of fire from which the others could flank from or fire behind. From the Union's base, Ian could snipe from, and Sara and Bill could launch hit and run style attacks from. Sara wasn't certain what Gurevich's shtick was- but that also meant other teams didn't either. He was a bit of a wildcard, sturdy enough to work on the frontlines, but with a wide enough variety of equipment to throw a spanner into anyone's plan. A disorganized and confused enemy was always the easiest to deal with.