A explosion happen in the Dojo after Mike walked out of the door holding onto duel swords he had gained from the dojo along side strange markings which cover his entire body. He walked on not caring about the destruction he had caused, he then looked at the phone he had taken off one of the now dead bodies and moved on. He had gained a lot of money from the corpses as they had been killed before the explosion. He went into his very human looking form and walked into town, He brought a new sim card and then erased all the data off the phone setting it up then way he wanted it to be. He then began to move on as he thought about that mansion he had come across earlier. Once he was in a safe place, he shape shifted into a pigeon and flew to the mansion where he landed out of the front door and taking on his human form once more and he knocked on the door to see who lived there. Mike looked back at the place where the Dojo had once stood as he closed his eyes as he thought back to what had happen there: A few hours ago: Mike was huddled against the statue trying to keep his breathing to a minimum but even he knew it would not be long before they found him so he looked around trying to find an exit, he noticed a kitchen nearby so he ran to it which reviled his position to the two young men who chased after him. Mike quickly sided into the kitchen, he had accidently knocked over something as well but he did not know what it was, the young men came in and they found themselves beginning to cough badly. It was dark so one of them pulled out a lighter and the moment it went on the kitchen suddenly exploded it sent Mike flying out of the Dojo hitting the ground hard outside where he laid trying to recover along with two swords which span round before they got him in his chest. He cried out in pain as he felt blood leaving him, it touched a statute that had lived though the explosion as it began to glow when Mike's blood touched it before Mike ended up blacking out, he found himself waking up again with all the strange marking on his body and he saw the Dojo had exploded as well. The swords laid beside him with bit of his blood on them but the wound itself had gone leaving nothing but a scar. Mike slowly stood up and looked around, one of the charred bodies of the young men was near Mike and after checking him over Mike found out this young man phone and money had not been destroyed. He then took the twin swords with him and left the now ruined Dojo.