[@The One]just how futuristic are we talking for the elemental king rp? also how magical? like are all areas as magic-oriented, or are there certain areas that don't think much of it? i dont have a clear image of the world you have in mind... I was thinking about making my character (lightning) live near and work in the power plant that contains Thor's rod. To keep the Norse theme, I wanted her to be Swedish and was inspired by these two drawings [url=http://www.thisiscolossal.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/simon-5.png]x[/url] [url=http://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/,scalefit_970_noupscale/565c842221000065005abd0e.jpeg]x[/url] to create a neighborhood that is a little ignorant on magic and more focused on the technology they power. It'd be a small community, and my character would be ignorant of her role in the prophecy. The bio sheet Conch Shell VII posted kinda psyched me out in terms of the story i had in mind D: any advice?