As Batharyn’s eyes traveled down her body, she bit down on her tongue to keep a shiver of uneasiness from travelling down her spine. Of course some men looked at her that way. It was to be expected since she was anything but hard on the eyes, but something about this large man made her want to run. Most men she knew she could scare off with a few words and if worse came to worst, she had her daggers, one hidden on her thigh, the other in her boot. She had used them a couple times and they were effective but with the size of this man, it was apparent that they wouldn’t be of much use. Better to stay friendly to this man. She didn’t want to be on his bad side. [color=30A1FA]“I come from far away, yes but it is the fact that I have no destination that makes the journey long.”[/color] She commented lightly as the two of them walked to the stables. It was his size that didn’t allow her to consider that he was looking at her for different reasons. Someone of that size could never be a thief. [color=30A1FA]“You horse looks strong. And he would need to be, I suppose.”[/color] She said with a friendly smile. [color=30A1FA]“Caspar can stay in the stall next to his. He may have been a noble’s horse but he doesn’t need hay spun from gold as he might want you to believe.”[/color] She gave Caspar a few playful pats on the neck and he shook his head as if to shake her words off. [color=30A1FA]“So, Batharyn, what makes you travel about the kingdom, hmm?”[/color] She asked, confident in her assumption that because he had a horse, he travelled frequently. Men that size didn’t own horses that could carry them if they weren’t needing to be carried. It was these sort of assumptions that earned her coins. Her magic wasn’t as necessary as she made it seem. A few astute observations generally impressed the common folk enough that her magic could stay dormant for days at a time before finding someone important enough to speak to her about. As she thought about her magic, she could now sense its presence again, even if it was somewhat subdued, similar to a stricken turtle finally deciding to make sure it is safe again. She allowed a serene smile to come across her face. Perhaps this man wasn’t as bad as she originally thought.