Thankfully everything was well as Gear Heart managed to prevent any real damage from happening while Noella also helped Veronica from being hurt. As things were as usual the baron smiled at bit at the quickness of his staff. [color=7ea7d8]"Well everyone, it is up to you to prepare for the trip. At the same time we will be taking the new horseless carriage out for a spin; however, we will also be taking along the normal coach as well. As I trust in everyone's abilities Veronica will be staying in the horse-drawn carriage for the trip to town, while a few of you will be testing out our new transportation and lead the way. If what I have been told is true, the Gear-carriage can travel at much faster speeds and transport heavy things much easier, but of course it will stay close by at all times."[/color] The baron gave out his instructions and Veronica thanked Noella for catching her and Gear Heart for his usual protection. Lucky's offer to let her ride one of the newest ponies when they got back was also exciting, but priorities lied with the trip. [color=a187be]"I'll go pack some stuff for the trip. Fare thee-well for about, 30 minutes!"[/color] Veronica laughed, gave a curtsy to the room, then skipped away to her room while one of the servants went to get a suitcase and make sure they were there for the packing so nothing strange happened. The baron chuckled at bit at her antics but when she was gone turned serious. [color=7ea7d8]"Well it is time you all earn your keep. Let's minimize any potential dangers as much as possible."[/color] The baron got up from his chair and with a gesture commanded everyone to prepare. [hr] Soon enough everyone had filed out into the driveway while the servants finished the final preparations on the two vehicles, making sure everything was just so. How it was set up was the baron and his family would be in the horse-drawn carriage along with one of the families best maids, Janett. A driver and Lucky would be outside the carriage, ready to calm the horses if the need ever arrived. Lance, Noelle and a few other servants were in the 'gearbox' where they could quickly respond to anything that might happen, and test drive the new vehicle. The thing of interest was what exactly to do with Gear Heart. A golem was easy enough to use around the house by taking him on a trip was a bit of a different matter. While it was possible for the golem to just walk beside them such a journey, short though it was, could be bad for his gears if they went at any decent speed. The golem would not fit in any of the carriages and it's weight was a problem anyway. While they had pondered what to do, James got an idea to rig a heavy wagon to the back of the horse-less carriage that Gear Heart could sit in. This first trip would be quite the test for the new machine.