[quote=@mokley] they know something is coming, and they want to recruit as many afflicted people as possible to help fight it. … They see the prophets as terrorists that are spreading the disease wherever they go, [/quote] this could be a cool relationship to explore. especially since you seem so fond of offering up different factions with differing interpretations. ^.^ [quote=@Mokley] The disease is a byproduct of something else that also is the reason the cities are all isolated from one another. [/quote] this is what i find interesting… i hadn't even considered [i]why[/i] the cities would be so isolated. so i guess what i'm most interested in is seeing how the world and the factions get fleshed out. so maybe seeing different parts of this lore in action would be good? for the characters to react to and try to get their bearings and figure out where they stand? because as long as this rp has been going, we're still sort of in the early chapters haha. the characters haven't quite found their footing to figure out their own stakes in this plot. …idk if any of that was helpful. i've gotten 4 hours of sleep per night the past 3 nights, and i've worked every day. i'm dead. i have so much to do. but tonight! i sleep!!