Lance sat in the horseless carriage. It wasn't the first time he'd seen one of these, but it was the first time he'd ever been inside of one. The inside was a little claustrophobic. Mainly because he was so tall. He had to sit in a bit of a slouch to not hit his head on the roof. While the trip to the city was short, Lance decided to bring a book with him. This one however, was no Botany book. It was rather small, and paperbacked. The title read: [i]"Choose your own adventure! Dungeons and Dragons: Fall of Wintersrock."[/i] It was a one of the few choose your own adventure books in the library he hadn't read. Lance also of course had his pack full of boring traveling stuff. He always had it with him. Just in case. He also remembered to bring a regeneration potion, as well as some Antivenom. There was a poisonous plant around this area, but with any luck, nobody would be rolling around in random plants. Lastly, he brought his sword and board, tried and true, and easy to carry. He also had the hidden knife in his boot, which he had almost forgotten about. He patiently waited for the others to get in. This was going to be fun. He could feel it.