Jamie looked up as Mayt entered, and as soon as the quake hit, Jamie reached for both Sam and Amelia, ready to protect them if she needed to. She glanced up to Mayt, and gave a small chuckle at his outburst. Jamie gave a nod, and said “Yes, it seems like there are a few things to discuss, why don’t you round some of the members up, while I get Jarvis to make a few lacrima to connect with the other guild masters? It seems like things have escalated… and that we need to see just how our teamwork will work between the guilds.” The time limit for Tenuru island was drawing close… maybe they were too late. Jamie gave a sigh, before she nodded and rose, making sure both girls were alright, before she ushered them out, “Stay with Amelia, Sam” She said, before making her way to find her Husband. She found Jarvis where she expected him to be, at the bar, tending to their members. A few quick words, and Jarvis moved off, to prepare some lacrimas. She glanced about at the rest of the guild, seeming to pause a moment. There were times where Jamie thought that it wouldn’t ever be quite again, times when she hoped it wouldn’t, and times when she hoped it would. Mostly, she just wanted her members to be happy. Yet with each passing crisis, it didn’t seem like they were. She sighed to herself. [hr][hr] Penny gave a soft sigh, there were so many things she wanted to be different… that she just couldn’t help but think… shouldn’t you take what you could get? As the ground shook, Penny shifted her balance, not falling, indeed barely even stumbling. A grace that she rarely displayed kept her upright, as she quickly looked about for any danger. When it was clear there wasn’t anything, Penny shifted again, looking over to Damien, even as she went to check on Jasmine, crouching by the girl. “Which doesn’t tell us much… more and more, these events seem to be happening everywhere” She said softly. “There’s a reason for that, Penny” Sasha said, her voice ringing out loud and clear through the guild hall, as she walked over to her sister. “One… that no one is going to like”