Just the absolute bare minimum, I'm still deciding how military I want this guy to be. [hr] [hider=Telum // Big WIP]Name: Telum Gender: M Age: 19 [hider=Appearance:][img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/d3d4/th/pre/f/2014/129/0/5/isolation_by_nrag-d7hl55f.jpg[/img][/hider] A caucasion male of undeterminate geneology, Telum stands at 6'2 and weighs 200 lbs. He possesses blunt, intense features that when mixed with his withering stare artificially ages the young man to appear in his mid to late twenties. However what is more likely to draw attention is the paleness of his skin, the total lack of any and all body hair, and his eyes being a blue so deep that they edge into purple. Personality: It'd be easy to describe Telum as just as robotic as his companion, a creature who sticks to their routines and fulfils their duty without question. Emotions roll off him like water, his only apparent emotion being one of indifferent stoicism as he goes through the motions of his purpose. However the truth of the matter is that a maelstrom is brewing beneath the surface, a lifetime of repressed emotions and a growing worry that he is no different than a tool has created a ticking time bomb with no telling what will happen when it blows. On a lighter note Telum has a strong sense of camaraderie with his fellow Telum Agents, he has a strong sense of respect, and has his own moral code that, while maybe not conventional to normal people, he sticks to rigidly. Bio: Telum's life began as a serial number among many deep within The Mine, a hidden away military base formed from the remnants of the various scientists and military personnel that did not bow down the the Elemental King. Element: Metal Power: Blood Manipulation Location: New York City, New York Family: Unknown Biological Parents Friends: Other Telum Agents Sentimental Attachment: A simple gold ring, given to all Telum Program graduates. Other: Pet Name: Cujo Pet Age: 1 year Pet Gender: N/A Pet Species: Cyber-mastiff [hider=Pet Appearance:][img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/0/0c/Arbites_Cyber-Mastiff.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130312014052[/img][/hider] Pet Personality: Not applicable, Cujo does what it's told unquestionably and with total loyalty to Telum. [/hider]