[b]The Cloud[/b] New allies joined the fight, but the Cloud was more in tun with its own battle. Grafdakka had drawn much attention away, an error that was perhaps unwise as more nanites arrived from the new entrance onto the battlefield from the factory behind. The Cloud was expanding, growing more powerful, and that opened up access to a whole new range of weaponry that it would not have been able to utilize otherwise as its size increased at a steady pace. It was regrettable that Eve decided to disengage and fly away, leaving the Cloud with the lance embedded in its 'shoulder'. Not that it would stay that way for long as nanites rose up to engulf the weapon, beginning the process of breaking it down into its composite elements for the creation of new nanites. It was a good thing that she didn't much like the lance, because once the process was done there would be literally nothing left. But events continued to progress, with a new song joining the old and turning the battlefield to night. It was not difficult to detect the presence of angelic magic at play, leaving the full effects to be determined. A quick survey revealed the incoming meteor strikes, which would be marked by the Cloud and transmitted to the rest of the Machina forces. That would allow the factory to react, deploying hard emplacements or mobile units through the holes that had been conveniently torn in the structure so thy could divert the attack with anti-orbital laser systems, or with counter-missile fire. Either way, it would not be so easy to remove the critical installation. With that done though it quickly shifted to continue the fight. Weapons loadouts would shift to plasma based weaponry, gouts of blue energy flying through the air to strike down many an angel, and anyone engaging in close combat befalling as poor a fate as Eve had if not worse. It focusd its fire on Torag, not giving him the opportunity to recover from his mistake as weapons fire would head his way at a fairly rapid pace while the growing being advanced towards him. It couldn't risk dispersing in this wind, so this would hav to do for now as it pushed the offensive inexorably. [@Banana][@Mega Birb][@Lucius Cypher][@Lonewolf685] [hr] [b]Tartys[/b] Leaving behind her conversation with Miyu, Tartys had headed off to the next battlefield that waited for her. She arrived to find them overlooking a factory, a full force gale whipping about the area though it did not seem to be affecting her at the moment. That meant it must have been their doing, rather than a natural occurrence. She could be grateful for that, since she had no desire to actually fly in how bad that wind looked to be. Without hesitation she summoned her spear and her armor, ready to get to the fight. Right now though they needed to actually get to the factory, which seemed problematic because of the fight going on below. At least she didn't have to worry about that, and Tartys took to the skies as she rapidly flew forward, aiming for the spots in the factory structure that had been ripped open by the wind, which were less likely to be adequately defended compared to, say, the front entrance. Why do the Machina the honor of walking into their defensive line? At the same time she added her magic power to this fight, throwing balls of holy magic that would explode when they came close enough to an enemy. It might not be all that effective against the Machina, but it could provide a distraction for them to be taken out. So she lashed out as she flew, drawing ever closer to her destination and the waiting factory. [@KoL][@Ryonara][@Lucius Cypher]