As if they weren't bad enough for killing these people when she could easily have talked them down and held a trial, they were looting the bodies in front of all the bystanders! The nerve! She hoped the cultist would see it as barbaric as she did, but doubted that was the case. He definitely didn't think like a rational, civilized person. So instead, she stood by the goliath, knealed, and apologized first to his corpse, before standing and yelling out to the villagers, "I apologize for the actions my...compatriots and I made you witness. This is not our normal behavior, and we have no intent to harm anyone else while we are in this town." She growled the last part to her group. "Please accept our apology. I personally have nothing to offer but song least I think, hope. And since singing seems disrespectful to the dead at our feet, which I assume my friends are going to probably disrespect more my taking their worldy possessions, I...I want to tell you all that the fight is over. Again, accept my apology." [Hider=Yes I actually am doing stuff]Daisy expends two power points to use Incite Courage on the 6 closest villagers to her (assuming she can see 6 of them)[hider]