Paminarians- Three eyed armadillo-monkey aliens from a tropical world with tentacled hands/feet who are great at climbing and tasting stuff, but they aren't known for being runners. Their adaptable kind is public domain. [hider=Paminians] The Paminians are a tall and light weight species whose origins are from Paminara, a tropical archipelago world known for its biodiversity and fanciful organics. One of which being the Paminian-kind, who are a diverse sapient of all sorts of colors and shapes that all share the same species. A genetic trait that is comparable to what you see in dogs or fruit flies. The Paminians in nature were arboreal bipeds who lived off the fruits off tall trees and are incredibly proficent climbers to this day, be it in mountain habitats, cave habitats or jungle habitats. In colder environments you get fuzzy Laminians, in hotter, evironments you get "naked" Paminians who just have their scaly armor. Paminians vary in their size heavy, with some being more elongated, others being more stout with evolution just being fast for them. When Paminara was colonized, the Paminians were treated to as a cheap labor force and from there became members of that society by default and have managed to thrive within the framework which the elite had set up, proving to be amazingly cutthroat and adaptable thanks to their dog-like genetic diversity and rapid evolution. In general, Paminians over a few generations tend to through natural selection adapt fast to whatever world you put them on. The general physiology to expect of Paminians is that they have a head with three large, forward facing egg-shaped eyes, three short, surved atteanae and a long, thin tongue remiscent of armadillo tongues. They have a very leathery skin of highly varied colors, with scaley texture and a stou, shot neck that connects their head to their body. The Laminians have ears, but they aren't visible due to being located in multiple small holes running along their back. The Pamnians have a very fuzzy chilla back armor that both defends from predators and helps in child rearing by given something for the baby to climb onto. Their legs are long and structured like a bulkier version of their arms, with the difference that the leg is much more curved and that the foot tendrils and thicker than the hand tendrils. This is to the expense of being able to run and so Laminians usually have some artifical means of enhancing their movement to keep up with other b on ground. But remember, in environments where climbing is nessecary, humanoids are easily outmatched by Paminians. Paminians reproductively rely on egg purses they latch into trees that the mother keeps defense of that hatch into their more pup forms who than go to live on the backs of their mothers until they come of age. A good insult against a Paminian is to call it a 'clinger', which is the same as calling someone a mother's boy, but can be used against both genders of Paminian. Egg fertilization is internal. Paminians have a very strong sense of taste, with their hands and feet acting as tongues alongside the long snout tongue that they normally have. Paminians tend to have a very whirring, buzzing accents when speaking. Paminians also have attenae for sensing the shifts in winds, vibrations in branches and acting in many regards as their nose. In short; -You are a space monkey / armadillo thing with tongues for hands and feet -You have a acute sense of taste, you taste everything you step on, you taste everything you touch. -You have three eyes to look around with. -You have atteanae to smell stuff with, and a back to hear stuff with. -You got built-in armoring! -You are a great climber -And need to eat a lot of bugs & nectar. -Your kind is fast evolving, and thus you can have all sorts of variations to go with your own paminian. [/hider]