[h2]Marxello Catchanale[/h2] Mark had largely expected a cold response to his self-introduction. He hadn't expected the mask to approach him almost immediately, devoid of her doll ally, which had leapt to the roof as soon as possible. Apparently, it... [i]she,[/i] he corrected himself with an internal sigh, was curious as to his identity - "the hero who is going to slay the new demon lord", as she put it... only, her wording was a bit off. 'I mean, uh... I'm not necessarily [i]The[/i] Hero,' he corrected, scratching his head and wondering what Syzi thought of the almost-immediate approachee, 'but I am [i]a[/i] Hero, in the sense that I... well, dealing with the Demon Lord herself may not happen even in my lifetime, knowing what usually happens to Heroes who try their hand, but I do usually slay monsters, that's no secret. Usually. Recent circumstances for me have been quite [i]un[/i]usual, as it happens; Syszi and I can tell you more, if you're interested?' Before he could continue, the lich began to say her spiel. Unmistakable as anything else; if the lavicious outfit didn't prove it, the pompous attitude and the direct declaration of being a lich did. In fact, it seemed like the only one she was even considering allegiance to was the demon-armoured girl he'd noticed earlier, only heightening his theory about her being a monster... perhaps an undead... oh, was she a dullahan? That would make the most sense, all things considered. Even so, there was bait to take, and damn the consequences of being seen as a bigot by the other monsters here, since they probably already thought he was. '[i]Nobody[/i] likes arrogance of [i]your[/i] sort, [i]Lich,[/i]' he called to her, putting as much snark and sneer in his voice as he could, since he couldn't convey his emotion via facial features. 'Do [i]not[/i] mistake yourself for "superior", for [i]you[/i] are no less of a [i]whore[/i] than any other undead of your sort, and [i]frankly,[/i] you deserve whatever hell you will- in fact, no, you deserve the exact [i]opposite[/i] of that, since you'd probably [i]enjoy[/i] the sort of hell you're likely to be sent to when death [i]finally[/i] claims you.' And then he smiled under his helmet, because that was one of the better putdown speeches he'd ever given. Just the right mix of pompous and insulting to really rile her up... and now that he thought about it, he did actually hope he hadn't promptly made enemies of everybody else there. Especially not Syzsi, but he expected she'd be able to figure out when he was being facetious by now. [@Kafka Komedy][@1Charak2]