Celest let out a groan as she opened her eyes and slowly began to take in her surroundings. She was in an unfamiliar room. Had she fallen asleep there? Celest couldn't think straight: Her head was pounding and there was this insane nausea that was steadily getting worse. Her head was pounding, as though something had hit her really hard on her head. She put her hand on the spot that was pounding and felt a small lump which ascertained her suspicions. [i]What just happened?[/i] Celest slowly got up only to realise that she had been lying on some sort of makeshift stage, with the remains of a wild party gone horribly wrong around her. There were people slumped about, probably drunk, drugged, or both. A quick glance into the next room showed a woman, who Celest vaguely remembered as Stella, in her underwear, and a largely rough and hairy man trying to make a phone call. Celest was still slightly dazed as a teenage girl ran into the house, towards a corner of the room. The teenage girl jumped into a frantic conversation with a man who had been lying in the corner. Celest took a step towards the kitchen, and then felt a huge wave of energy surge through her body. Her mind suddenly cleared up and she remembered the events of tonight: She was here as a guest singer for Parael's party, full of people of so many personalities and energies. She was singing, everyone was enjoying and into the party. Why and how did she fall unconscious? Celest remembered feeling a sudden tide of nausea and sickness spread throughout her body. She felt the energies of everyone and everything in the town darken as a wave of evil energy swept throughout the town. Even the energies present in the room now were considerably changed and darkened. Celest could feel a sludgy dirtiness permeating throughout every part of the room and town. Celest felt the nausea rise again and she had to take several deep breaths in order to clear her mind. Parael came into the room and began a whole stream of sentences of which was mostly gibberish to Celest. Celest only managed to catch phrases of what Parael was saying: "Mummy... Nemsemet..." Something about a radioactive wasteland being left in Egypt. Nobody seemed to be paying any attention to her amidst the chaos. It seemed this Nemsemet was the source of the evil energy that had affected the entirety of New Camden. Celest took a step, then two. Her mind had cleared up significantly. The sickness was still there, but was manageable, a side-effect of Celest's ability to feel the energies in the world around her. This evil energy was clearly something that had to be stopped, something to be dealt with. From the sickness that Celest felt, it was apparent that this Nemsemet mummy creature was corrupting the place. Celest wondered if everyone's energy had been disturbed and distorted by his appearance, causing everyone to behave so erratically and frantically. Celest gathered her energy in her mouth like she had learned to and focused it all on the words she was about to say: "Everyone, please calm down!"