[center][color=blue][h2]Matti Virta[/h2][/color][/center] While Matti was hovering around the roof, he couldn't help but feel like a pair of eyes were peering at him from a close distance. And to his surprise, someone did indeed watch him; it looked like a doll was thrown up to the roof, but the enchanter immediately recognized the entity as Bunny, who introduced herself prior to landing up here. He turned towards the spectator, giving Bunny an amused smile. [color=0054a6]"Why hello there. That was an impressive jump you performed, miss Bunny. I see that you have taken an interest in my work; that is unprecedented. May I ask why you have chosen my presence instead of the more colorful cast below us?"[/color] However, even as he was up in the air, writing out the renovation plan for the guild hall's exterior, Matti could tell that the crowd below was getting rowdy. It seemed that a couple of the undead were starting to cause trouble, especially the Lich. Now, he could tolerate the undead if they were your standard variety of mate-seeking monster. But he personally loathed Liches; not only do they actively make a mockery of his lifestyle and his people's traditions in the art of medicine and lifesaving with her disgusting defilement of the dead and cheating of death, but she has the gall to put herself on a pedestal above the rest. [color=0054a6]"Excuse me for a moment,"[/color] Matti spoke to the Living Doll, and floated down to the Lich and Arletta's location until he was at eye level with them. [color=0054a6]"Mister Catchanale could have have worded his sentiments more carefully, but the point he has made still stands."[/color] His glasses seemed to gleam in a sinister fashion as he adjusted them. [color=0054a6]Miss Lich, if you are to continue co-operating with your fellow guild members without causing further disruption, then you are advised to tone down your arrogant behavior and give them a measure of respect they deserve."[/color] He then gave a smug smirk. [color=0054a6]"However, I have my suspicions that your foul mouth is simply a product of a desperate attempt to seek attention, as is your choice of fashion; an outsider might think of our guild as a more...seedier establishment at this rate."[/color] [@1Charak2][@BCTheEntity][@Rune_Alchemist][@Kafka Komedy]