[center][color=aqua][h1]Alberich[/h1][/color] Interacting With: [@Wick][/center] [hr] While Elyria went off to do what Alberich requested, the lumberjack was busy at work cutting away at the logs. First, Alberich cut away any branches that might be hanging off the side of the logs and placed them in a nearby pile, the newly cut branches adding to the already growing pile of firewood. Next, the lumberjack began to shave away each side of the trees into a point, similar to a modern pencil edge. One end of the log would be shoved deep into the dirt, while the other point was sharpened as to keep intruders from easily climbing the walls. It was exhausting, and the work had taken a delicate hand to master, but Alberich was skilled with his craftsmanship. The trees he had brought back would be a start for the wall, and soon Alberich would have to return to the forest to clear more trees. By the final log, Elyria had come back and forth with piles of rocks and reeds, adding them to their collection. To the lumberjack, it felt nice seeing someone so young and able help Alberich with his duties. As he finished shaving away the point on the last tree, Alberich wondered if he could request the aid of the nearby villages he planned to visit soon. The villagers were always afraid of what was out there, but Alberich believed there might be some promising souls out there to help him in exchange for a piece of what the party had begun to gather. [color=aqua]"You did well, Elyria. You gathered enough for me, perhaps more than enough. I'll go set up the first section of our wall with what you gathered. Get some rest; I imagine the others will return soon."[/color] Alberich replied, and began to transfer all the gathered supplies. Using the treeline and the lake as a guideline, Alberich started to place the rocks around the encampment in a large circle, big enough for them to expand inside the walls. The sharpened logs were then tied together, and with a rope wrapped around them, the lumberjack pulled them upwards and forced the logs deep into the ground. With a rock and the butt of his axe, Alberich started to dig up the dirt around where the wall section was implemented, and then the lumberjack forced the dirt into a mound around each individual log for extra support. Once the wall piece was secure, Alberich took a step back and wiped away a pool of sweat on his forehead. It would take Alberich a lot of effort to finish all the projects the aspiring mercenary had in mind, but at least he had friends to help him in his quest. Fortune had smiled on Alberich, and that thought made him smile.