[hider=Johannes Johnson][url=https://ibb.co/i4YYyF][img]https://image.ibb.co/bW2RJF/IMG_2859.png[/img][/url] [url=https://imgbb.com/]image bbcode[/url] "Lady Schwertleite, I am hamrammr; shapestrong. If they think they have the strength to tussle with a bear, then their heads be on it!" Name: Johannes Johnson (real name "Jönsson", but anglicized for their move to Scotland) Age: 18 Gender: Male Former Race: Human/Berserker Race: Angel/Berserker (4 wings) Card: Joker Notable Skills: [hider=Berserker rage]A descendant of the ancient Nordic warriors known as Vikings, Johannes is one of the rare few who have retained the honored berserker blood even into the modern age. A genetic condition, Johannes' lineage makes him susceptible to snap fits of anger, violence and altered behavior, and he often enters a trancelike state when fighting where he is either immune to pain, or perhaps more disturbingly, pleased by it. This diluted blood alone would not be cause for the superhuman abilities he displays that make him a rival for even his greatest ancestors, but combined with his Sacred Gear, even this modern-day Viking can wield the power of the ancients.[/hider] [hider=Streetfighting]Unsurprisingly, Johannes likes to get into fights. Who knew?[/hider] [hider=Hairstyling]Surprisingly, the Viking brute Johannes is a talented groomer and hairstylist, well-practiced in the methods for cutting, styling, and maintaining smooth, healthy hair. He even keeps a small bag of different combs and a pair of scissors on him at all times for just this purpose. It's hardly a useful skill in battle, but it helps keep everyone comfortable during prolonged stays in the human world.[/hider] Holy Sacrament: None Sacred Gear: [hider=Critical Claw]A Sub-Species of the otherwise incredibly common Twice Critical, Johannes' variant shares the attribute of doubling his power, but does so in an inverse relationship to the damage he's both done and taken. An essentially agonistic power fueled by pain, this ability to "hamask" or transform into an altered state of "hamrammr", meaning "shapestrong", doubles Johannes' power not once, but again and again with every injury inflicted on either himself or the enemy, no matter how minor. He also bulks up in direct relation with the boost, becoming taller and gaining more and more muscle, to the point where his ancestors were said to look more like trolls than men. Coupled with his inherited Berserker blood, which allows him to enter a trancelike state where his muscles harden and he is immune to pain, Johannes' Sacred Gear turns into an incredibly powerful double-edged sword, essentially allowing him to increase his power indefinitely while driving him closer and closer to death, only to somehow recover each and every time. Even he wonders if this ability has limits, but having died once already, he doesn't let it bother him too much. The ability can be purposefully triggered by teammates, but for whatever reason, Johannes can't seem to trigger it just by harming himself, whether intentionally or unintentionally. [/hider] Magic: None yet besides the angelic basics (flight, light projection, the gift of languages etc.), but he's learning. Personality: A regular modern-day Viking, Johannes is just as boisterous and just as short-tempered as his Nordic ancestors. Normally he's a soft-spoken goof, but he does a complete 180 when someone makes him mad and/or he undergoes his special "hamask" transformation, becoming both physically more imposing as well as a grandiose, overly dramatic warrior poet-type prone to violent fits of hair-trigger rage and unnecessarily fabulous posing. He also tends to be a bit too blunt and straightforward at times, and never particularly paid too much attention at school (though he is far from dumb). Due to both this oddly spontaneous nature of his and their past circumstances together, Johannes is infatuated with the former Valkyrie-turned-angel Schwertleite, and will protect her at all costs. As a matter of fact, he's already sacrificed his life for her once, and will not hesitate to do so again. Anyone who questions the legitimacy of his love for her... good luck. You'll need it. Other than insulting or attempting to hurt Schwertleite however, Johannes is oddly laid back, at least compared to what you'd expect from his reputation and lineage. More than happy to hang out, make merry, or charge into the gates of Valhalla arm in arm with you, Johannes is a valuable friend and ally to have for the warrior of God on the go. Just... don't make him angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry. History: A Scottish immigrant with Viking ancestry, Johannes led a mostly unremarkable childhood of beating up neighborhood bullies and impolite adults inbetween going to school (to beat people up) and pining for the pretty older girl in the next town over; the one everyone claimed was a Valkyrie. Johannes loved the stories of his distant Nordic ancestors, especially the one about the great hero Sigfried and the valkyrie Brynhildr. It made him feel like he and the girl next door were meant to be, as childish as that might seem for a fourteen year old pining for a college student. He kept his distance because he was shy however, but one day, when he noticed a pillar of smoke coming from the village where the girl he liked lived, he finally found the courage to rush in and protect her. Johannes had always been a strong, bull-headed kid, so he wasn't expecting to encounter much trouble when arrived in town. He certainly wasn't expecting to find a horde of demons laying waste to the town, but he also wasn't about to give up. He ran to the girl's aide, and found her already in combat with the demonic legions. Turns out she [i]was[/i] a valkyrie after all. Perhaps it was this knowledge that motivated him to dive headlong into a demon's blade to protect her, but whatever the reason, his sacrifice bought the valkyrie, Schwertleite, the opportunity she needed, and she finished the fight for him, carrying his body and soul with her off the battlefield. When he awoke, Johannes was faced with both Schwertleite and an angel who introduced himself as Camael, as well as a decision that would shape the rest of his life. Would he like to pass peacefully into the next life of his choosing, be it Heaven or Valhalla, or would he like to enlist with Camael and become an angel, a warrior of God? The path would be fraught with danger and violence, and he would almost certainly be called on to sacrifice his life again, Camael explained, except next time he wouldn't come back. Schwertleite had already made her choice to join. Now it was his turn to decide. The offer was open as long as Camael was here recruiting people to his outfit, and he'd both seen and appreciated Johannes' seemingly manic power. Johannes' answer was a simple one. "When do I start?" Other: He doesn't particularly care if he worships God or Odin, as he was raised agnostic but had equal exposure to both due to his family history and the high density of Catholics in his childhood home of Scotland.[/hider]