I can honestly say that I have had really amazing writing partners in every rp I've opened. I almost always gm because of the double posting rule and I tend to use multiple characters. The best people are in here and I love all of the friends I've made in here. These are a few of them. [@King Tai] A strong creative writer and friend. We have become Fb buddies too. Our conversations in and out of the guild just make me laugh my butt off. You are amazing and I hope you are always my friend. He has challenged me more than anyone else. [@Kyrisse] One of the best and sweetest people. We've gone back and forth from Rp to Rp and we always have fun no matter what is going on in RL. [@Kurai Assassin] He is a great friend and writer. I love writing with him. We've talked about everything from music to dreams and personal issues. I'd hug him through the net if I could. [@Venku] Great romance writer, very creative and funny. [@Aquanthe] is always kind and makes me laugh and or smile in the OOC's. I hope to keep writing with him for a long time. [@Garth] lmao what can I say he makes me laugh, a lot. His dirty and creative mind keeps me hopping for new and interesting things to write. [@Demonic Angel] is a creative and dedicated writer who has come a long way in her writing and I am proud of her progress. She is a truly nice person and she cares about the others she writes with. [@December] Keeps me on my toes and we have spoken a lot over the months and I have enjoyed all of our talks and goofing off. I really love the characters we come up with. [@Blackpanther] I really miss our talks and I love writing with you. You always have the most creative characters. I am never disappointed and I have been perplexed as to how to write with them before. Lol You challenge me sometimes and I love that! [@Rumikoohara] Lol, she writes beautifully and she researches everything as if she were in that career professionally. Our personal talks always made me feel like we have so much in common in a lot of ways. I miss those. [@DABOMBJK] is a good friend and writer. We've easily been in a dozen rp's together and he is a very funny person. I would highly recommend getting to know him. [@Poohead189] One of the first people in the guild that I met, this guy is hilarious with his characters and a really good person.