[quote=Octavian] Hope that's acceptable; if not, let me know and I'll alter it. [/quote] I enjoy the fact that you willingly volunteered to play a pariah. This will be interesting, I hope. Let us see what chance bestows. [quote=Personnel Department] Welcome back, I0-N4! I see you're accessing crew records for [b]Designate ID:[/b] PR-451. It has been [b]3[/b] days since this record was last accessed. [b]PR-451[/b] has been regenerated [b]XX[/b] times. Please input [b]DELTA[/b] clearance access code. This information is [b]Restricted: Ex-personnel file. DNR, PR[/b] Security code accepted. Code overwritten: DNR. New code: ROD. [center][b][u]PR-451[/u][/b][/center] PULM_WORK: 0 set.Pulm_Rev_Complete "1"; TARGET: PR-451; ARE YOU SURE? Y ERROR: Header file ("Specifics") not found; manual entry required [b]Current Status:[/b] ALIVE, FRESHLY REVIVED [b]Current Location:[/b] ISL-45 [b]Gender:[/b] MALE [b]Nationality:[/b] MISSING_REF [b]Height:[/b] AVERAGE (BELOW 6'0") [b]Body Type:[/b] THIN [b]Body Age/Wear:[/b] EQUIVALENT TO HUMAN, AGED: 26-36 [b]Hair:[/b] NO [b]Eyes:[/b] BROWN [u][b]BIOMETRICS[/b][/u] [b]Strength:[/b] AVERAGE-HIGH (3) [b]Agility:[/b] AVERAGE-HIGH (3) [b]Health:[/b] AVERAGE-LOW (2) [b]Mind:[/b] AVERAGE-LOW (2) [u][b]SKILL-SPEC[/b][/u] [b]Comp-Sci:[/b] UNTRAINED - HIGH COMPETENCE [b]Mechanics:[/b] UNTRAINED - MEDIUM COMPETENCE [b]Med/First Aid:[/b] UNTRAINED - LOW COMPETENCE [b]Security:[/b] UNTRAINED - LOW COMPETENCE [b]Survival:[/b] UNTRAINED - MEDIUM COMPETENCE [b][EXPUNGED]:[/b] TRAINED - SKILLED [b][u]UP[/b][/u] [b]WINDFALL:[/b] PR-451 has been granted clearance to sector [b]ISL-45.[/b] Owner of [b]ISL-45[/b] set to PR-451. SecurityBot.Cover=0; SectorISL45.Priv=1; [b]BODY UP:[/b] Preliminary medical reports show PR-451's new body is abnormally resistant to harmful chemicals. [b][u]DOWN[/b][/u] [b]UNTRUSTED:[/b] Initial SecurityBot disposition [b]LOW.[/b] [b]ADDICT:[/b] PR-451 requires [b]ONE[/b] dose [b]MED-3[/b] (Alias [b]Temperdown[/b]) every [b]THREE[/b] days; [b]REASON:[/b] Min. onset paranoid schizophrenia; treatable, non-interfering, non-threatening[/quote] ...Quite an interesting experiment. I may have to alter as I judge what I like and do not like about the randomization process. From here, feel free to embellish and add specifics (especially to things like Nationality; all current Earth nations acceptable by continent and/or subregion) along with a bit of a description and such. The only sections you need to include in any edits you make are from Current Status and on down, should you choose to keep the small form I've slapped together. Any numbers that do not make sense (AVERAGE-LOW (2), for instance) are simply for my own future needs. Ignore them at your own leisure. If you need clarification, do not hesitate to ask!