Saria bent down to open the box, and realized that there was no clasp or latch to open it. [i]Hmph. They know me too well.[/i] She drew her sword and deftly sliced a side of the box away, the wood panel falling away like a flower’s petal. She reached inside, and felt a smooth object. She pulled it out, and held in her hand a silver egg. On its sides, there were numbers. The arrow currently rested on zero. Further examination revealed that the top and bottom half were separated by a seam, the top containing the numbers, and the bottom containing the arrow. [i]Those college types, whatever they are, have a strange sense for gifts. What am I supposed to do with this?[/i] She ultimately decided to bide her curiosity and slipped the thing inside her pocket, beginning to make her way further down the road. Saria walked through the strange place, every direction she looked was ablaze with color and vibrance. Boats of every size and shape lined the shore, and disappeared behind buildings as she saw the various restaurants and shops along the way down the road. The entire place was about as alien to her as that city she had previously been in, except this city was a bit more colorful. There were many signs and fliers put up around the walls of the buildings, and miraculously, Saria could understand all of them. She strolled over to a restaurant and stepped inside. An assortment of tables littered the inside, all of them neatly organized, utensils stacked on top of paper. Saria headed for the back of the restaurant, where there were many strange box-shaped objects, most likely used to prepare food. How, she didn’t know. She came to another silver door, and opened it. A sudden blast of cold chilled her, even in her armor. Inside, several packaged foods lined the shelves. She felt a bit hungry, so she took out some vegetables. Since she had very few pockets, she decided to eat the vegetables right there. The coldness was strange to her, and also refreshing. She wondered how this strange civilization had developed the means of keeping food cold, since such a thing was beyond the wildest dreams of anyone back in her time. After eating through a few bags of vegetables and downing a bottle of water, she was satisfied. One thing was for sure, and it was that the food here was good, no, excellent. She didn’t find a single bug or a rotting leaf anywhere in the stacks of food. She slipped her helmet back on, hooking the clasps around her neck. The clasps had a double function; One, they kept the helmet from being knocked off in a fight, and second, they protected the neck from attacks. It was a time-consuming process, but she wasn’t in any rush. She headed outside, feeling refreshed. Now, she had to decide where to go. She looked to her left, the path to the rest of the city, then right, back to the shore. Before she could make a decision, she heard her phylactery crackling, and an unfamiliar voice resounded through the little speakers in the thing. [color=92278f]"Hey Oren, I have to ask you something real quick. I have some information to tell College Staff, and I need to find some to tell this information too. Can you point me in the direction of some staff so I can talk to them about these clowns? I need to get my hands on some relics, and preferably some defensive ones."[/color] [i]Defensive relics? And he’s headed for college staff? Interesting. He’ll be on the defensive, while I focus on the offense. That’s fine, I won’t need much defense if I don’t give him a chance to hit me. Still… Which way do I go?[/i] Saria knew that she could find him by using her phylactery again, but that would use another one of her two remaining assists. Inwardly, she shrugged. To her, it didn’t matter when they fought, since he would most likely find her first anyway. That’s just what she was used to. Really, out of all the duels she fought after the killing of her family, almost all of them were from bounty hunters looking to kill her, and they always found her first. So, she took some liberty and walked right, back to the shore. She might have surprised herself by this decision, since she hated the water, and probably moreso after killing Rose Cythla, but something else had attracted her attention as she was paddling towards the alien structure, and that was the half-sunken ship near the shore. She could have sworn she had saw someone moving within, and for some reason, the whole thing just seemed to interest her. Maybe the chance to warm up before her actual duel. Speaking of her duel, Saria wondered who it would be. She didn’t remember hearing any of the competitors talk, but the voice seemed to be male, so she could rule out the female warriors. She suspected the voice may have belonged to that knight, for who else but a heavily armored warrior would use defensive relics? She made it to the small boat, and once again, began to paddle. Again, it took a while, but the ship finally came into a feasible distance, probably about ten minutes away if she kept paddling the same speed. She began to paddle quietly now, in case anyone actually was on the half-sunk ship. Once she reached it, she quietly stepped into a breach in the ship’s hull, pulling the tiny boat inside with her, so that it wouldn’t drift away. Unfortunately, the whole ordeal caused a major ruckus, and even though she couldn’t hear anything yet, she wouldn't be surprised if she had a few unwelcome visitors.